retour acceuil
L'activité du CSA en 2003
Les chiffres clés du CSA en 2003
Les dates clés de l'année 2003
The work of the CSA in the year 2003
The key figures in 2003
The key dates in 2003
Members of the Conseil and
field of specialization
Les membres du Conseil et leurs domaines d'activité
Les avis
Les décisions
Les recommandations
Les communiqués



Members of the Conseil
and field of specialization

Version française

The Conseil supérieur de l’audiovisuel, is an independent government authority created by virtue of the Law of 17 January 1989 in order to guarantee broadcasting freedom in France as set forth in the Law of 30 September 1986 as amended. The Conseil consists of a 9-member Board (Collège) whose members are appointed by presidential decree for a six-year term. Three of such members, including the Chairman, are selected by the President of the Republic, three others by the Chairman of the French Senate and the remaining three by the Chairman of the Assemblée nationale.

The CSA is renewed by thirds every two years and the office of Conseil board member may not be held at the same time as any other elected office, public servant office, or any other professional activity.

Dominique Baudis has been Chairman of the CSA since 24 January 2001.

CSA board members at a plenary session

In order to prepare the Board’s work, each Conseiller (board member) is in charge, either as chairman or as deputy, of one or several working groups thus covering the CSA main fields of intervention. The Conseiller’s mission in such capacity is to study in liaison with the relevant services those issues falling within his or her remit and to be the rapporteur on such issues before the Board at plenary sessions.

Thirteen working groups have thus been created in addition to four missions relating to cinema, music, sports, and francophonie and the French language.

Francis Beck

  New media (chair), Audiovisual production (chair), Terrestrial digital television (deputy).

Joseph Daniel

  Cable and satellite (chair), Pluralism and ethics of news programs, electoral campaigns (co-chair), Advertising, sponsoring and teleshopping (deputy).

Christian Dutoit

  Foreign audiovisuals and international issues (chair), Audiovisual production (deputy), Overseas départements and territories (chair).

Élisabeth Flüry-Hérard

  Economics, competition and European issues (chair), Advertising, sponsoring and teleshopping (chair), New media (deputy), Cable and satellite (deputy).

Marie-Laure Denis

  Radio (chair), FM 2006 (deputy), Pluralism and ethics of news programs, electoral campaigns (co-chair), Protection of young audiences and ethics of programs (deputy), Local televisions (deputy).

Yvon Le Bars

  Terrestrial digital television (chair), Economics, competition and European issues (deputy), Analogue hertzian national televisions (deputy).

Philippe Levrier

  Local televisons (chair), FM 2006 (chair), Radio (deputy).

Agnès Vincent-Deray

  Protection of young audiences and ethics of programs (chair), Analogue hertzian national televisions (chair), Foreign audiovisuals and international issues (deputy), Overseas departements and territories (deputy).

Cinema Mission : Élisabeth Flüry-Hérard

Francophonie and the French language Mission : Joseph Daniel

Music Mission : Marie-Laure Denis

Sport Mission : Philippe Levrier

Throughout 2003, the year reviewed in this report, and until 13 March 2004
the members of the Conseil’s board were the following :
Dominique Baudis, Chairman – Francis Beck – Joseph Daniel – Christian Dutoit –
Élisabeth Flüry-Hurard – Jacqueline de Guillenchmidt – Yvon Le Bars –
Philippe Levrier – Agnès Vincent-Deray