CSA key dates in 2014
16 January
Olivier Schrameck addresses the Sénat's committee in charge of culture, education, and communication, stressing the importance of soft law instruments as better suited to the digital world than regulations or sanctions.
21 January
Arrival of six new high definition DTT channels in régions Poitou-Charentes, Limousin, and Centre; on 13 January, a press conference on the event had been held in Poitiers by Emmanuel Gabla, chair of our Digital Television Broadcasting Medium and Technologies working group.
22 January
A formal notice (mise en demeure) is served on channel Canal+, following broadcasting, on 20 December 2013, of Le Débarquement 2, a television show during which jokes were made about the genocide in Rwanda.
23 January
Publication of the results of the 7th wave of the survey of diversity on television (baromètre de la diversité); results show an improvement in the on-screen presence of the 'employees and manual workers' category, and in the on-air representation of diverse backgrounds.
24 January
Olivier Schrameck particaptes in a roundtable on regulation and funding of new audiovisual content on the Internet at the Festival international de la production audiovisuelle (FIPA) in Biarritz.
1 February
First international edition of the 24 heures du sport féminin dans les médias: following an initiative by Christine Kelly, Chair of our Sports taskforce, television channels and radio stations showcase women's sports.
3 February
The European Commission creates the European Regulators Group for Audiovisual Media Services (ERGA), bringing together the European Union's 28 Member States' broadcasting regulation authorities' heads. A meeting of several Chairs of European regulation authorities had been organised by the CSA, in September 2013, to discuss avenues for cooperation, thereby paving the way for the Commission's decision.
11 February
The first charter for the training and employability in the audiovisual industry of persons with a disability is signed. In the presence of Ms. Marie-Arlette Carlotti, Deputy Minister in charge of persons with disabilities and the fight against exclusion, television channels, radio stations, audiovisual companies, heads of journalism and cinema schools, and non-profit organisations signed a charter devised by Mémona Hintermann-Afféjee and Nicolas About—respectively, Chair and Deputy-Chair of our Diversity working group.
12 February
Publication by the Conseil of the short-list of candidates to be heard as part of the appointment of the Chair of Radio France; six candidates are heard by the Board on 25 February.
27 February
Unanimous appointment by the CSA of Mathieu Gallet as Chair of Radio France for a period of five years starting on 12 May 2014.
4 March
Olivier Schrameck is elected as Chair of ERGA; the Chairs of the Dutch and Polish authorities are elected as Deputy-Chairs. Their terms of office will run until end of December 2015.
12 March
Following requests by pay channels LCI, Paris Première, and Planète + to switch funding mode and become free-to-air channels, the Conseil decides on the review process to be put in place which will include: investigation of the requests, impact studies, public hearing of the channels' executives, and hearing of third parties.
20 March
The results of the second round of the survey of audiences' perception of programme quality are published: the overall decrease reflects lacklustre performance from the viewers' and listeners' standpoint.
27 March
Olivier Schrameck addresses the national consultative committee on human rights, underlining audiovisual communication regulation necessarily close involvement in the enhancement of citizens' rights in the digital world.
2 April
Appointment by the Conseil of several directors to the Boards of Radio France and France Télévisions: Ms. Frédérique Pfrunder, representative of non-profit organisation Consommation, logement, cadre de vie (CLCV) to the Board of Directors of Radio France; and Ms. Chantal Jannet, representative of Union nationale des associations familiales (UNAF), Ms. Martine Viallet, regional Director of public finances, and Mr. Didier Banquy, general Director of finances, to the Board of Directors of France Télévisions.
7 April
Inauguration by Olivier Schrameck, in Cannes, of MIP TV 2014, broaching challenges for regulators posed by Big Data, i.e., personal or collective data derived from Internet usage.
8 April
Arrival of six new high definition DTT channels in régions Auvergne, Languedoc-Roussillon, Champagne-Ardenne, and Picardie; two press conferences on the event had been held by Emmanuel Gabla, in Reims, on 1st April, and in Clermont-Ferrand, on 3 April.
10 April
Death of Dominque Baudis, former Chairman of the CSA, from 2001 to 2007. The Conseil pays tribute to his 'conviction and determination in supporting major developments in the industry, and in particular, digital terrestrial television'.
29 April
Olivier Schrameck is heard before the Sénat on the occasion of the publication of the Conseil's annual report.
25 April
First enlarged meeting, with television channels' executives, of our Women's Rights working group—whose Chair is Sylvie Pierre-Brossolette.
6 May
Olivier Schrameck is heard before the Assemblée nationale on the occasion of the publication of the Conseil's annual report.
7 May
Public hearing of channel LCI's executives in the context of their request to switch to free-to-air DTT.
15 May
Publication of the Conseil's report relating to concentration in the radio industry; forwarded to Government, the report's assesses the efficacy of the current scheme regulating concentration in the radio industry, and puts forward a range of possible changes.
19 May
Public hearing of channel Paris Première's executives in the context of their request to switch to free-to-air DTT.
21 May
Several warnings are sent to radio stations and television stations following marked unbalances in the speaking time allotted to various politicians in the context of the campaign for election to the European Parliament.
23 May
Publication of the Conseil's fourth report on the representation of French society's diversity on radio and television; the report is forwarded to Parliament and puts forwards steps to better embody diversity in programmes—whatever their type, as well as recommendations for legal instruments enabling a better grasp of French society's reality.
3 June
Public hearing of channel Planète +'s executives in the context of their request to switch to free-to-air DTT.
10 June
Arrival of six new high definition DTT channels in régions Franche-Comté, Bourgogne, and Rhône-Alpes, as well as the part of Champagne-Ardenne that was not yet covered; a press conference on the event had been held by Emmanuel Gabla in Besançon on 26 May.
19 June
Publication of a study of media habits of those between 13 and 24; under the co-leadership of Françoise Laborde and Francine Mariani-Ducray, the Conseil's committee on program trends explored the issue and found that youth are over-equipped, consume media on mobile devices, and as a group.
19 et 20 June
Meeting in Bordeaux between Olivier Schrameck and the members and staff of Bordeaux's comité territorial de l’audiovisuel. Olivier Schrameck also meets Alain Juppé, Mayor of Bordeaux and Alain Rousset, Chair of conseil régional of Aquitaine.
20 June
Start of digital terrestrial radio in Paris, Marseilles, and Nice. Almost all programmes are broadcast in the DAB + standard. One month later, Patrice Gélinet, Chair of our Analogue and Digital Radio working group, announces publication within a few months of an overall report on digital terrestrial radio.
24 June
Hearing of Olivier Schrameck before the Assemblée nationale's committee in charge of European affairs; he stressed the urgent need to adapt the European legal framework to current technological upheavals in the audiovisual industry—also one of ERGA's projects.
The Observatoire de l'équipement audiovisuel des foyers (body monitoring households' audiovisual equipment)—whose Chair is Emmanuel Gabla—presents its second round of survey: at end of 2013, three households out of ten had a touchscreen tablet, and almost 56% of those over 15 had a smartphone.
27 June
Publication by the Conseil of an audiovisual media's indicative handbook of common criteria for on-air promotion of community organisations and foundations (Guide indicatif des critères communs aux médias audiovisuels pour promouvoir des associations ou des fondations à l’antenne); the guide was drawn up by our Community Organisations taskforce, under the chairmanship of Sylvie Pierre-Brossolette, and aims at providing guidance to community organisations seeking audiovisual media on-air access on how to make mutual relations easier and more transparent.
3 July
The Conseil's report on television sound levels is forwarded to Parliament. A CSA survey underlines DTT channels' efforts to heed our recommendations. On certain foreign or music channels broadcast on satellite, cable or ADSL, however, average levels may be much higher.
4 July
The Conseil expresses its great sadness at the sudden death of journalist Benoît Duquesne.
9 July
Publication by the Conseil of three studies of female stereotypes in certain fiction, entertainment, or animation programmes. The studies were steered by Sylvie Pierre-Brossolette, ahead of the parliamentary debate on the draft law in favour of true gender equality tasking the Conseil with protecting the image of women in audiovisual media.
14 July
On Bastille Day, for the second year in a row, in response to a proposal by Mémona Hintermann-Afféjee, France's large television channels broadcast messages enhancing French society's diversity based on the Nous sommes la France theme.
29 July
The Conseil decides to not grant channels LCI's, Paris Première's, and Planète +'s requests to switch to free-to-air DTT; the Conseil's reasoned decisions and prior impact studies are published on our website.
8 September
The Conseil publishes reports on elections held during the first semester—municipal elections, elections to the congrès and assemblées de province of Nouvelle-Calédonie, and elections to the European Parliament; under the leadership of Francine Mariani-Ducray, the Conseil also opens a series of projects to explore political pluralism in audiovisual media during electoral campaigns.
10 September
A new Observatoire is installed as part of our Broadcasting and Education working group—whose Chair is Mémona Hintermann-Afféjee; it brings together around twenty education and media professionals, and Ms. Hélène Carrère-d’Encausse, Secrétaire perpétuel de l’Académie française is its honorary President.
23 September
Arrival of six new high definition DTT channels in région Languedoc-Roussillon, and in départements Aveyron, Tarn, and Ariège; a press conference on the event had been held by Emmanuel Gabla, in Montpellier, on 16 September.
1er October
Appointment of Mr. Frédéric Lenica, maître des requêtes at the Conseil d’État, as Director General of the CSA; he succeeds Marc El Nouchi, conseiller d’État.
2 October
The Conseil organises a seminar entitled L’audiovisuel : enjeu économique (the audiovisual industry: an economic challenge) opened by Ms. Fleur Pellerin, Minister for Culture, and concluded by the President of the Republic. Two round tables structured the discussion: the first one broached economic challenges facing the audiovisual industry now and in the future; the second one, the economic function of regulation.
6 and 7 October
Francine Mariani-Ducray attends the International Regulators' Forum (IIC) in Vienna (Austria) devoted to new content financing in a converged world.
8 -10 October
Emmanuel Gabla goes to Tbilissi (Georgia) for the 40th meeting of European Platform of Regulatory Authorities (EPRA), which defined the relationship between EPRA and ERGA.
21 October
ERGA's second meeting, in Brussels, records the group's first operational results in relation to regulators' independence, protection of minors, and the scope of the Audiovisual Media Services Directive, as well as the adoption of the 2015 work program. A statement on the independence of audiovisual industry national regulation authorities is also published by the group.
Arrival of six new high definition DTT channels in départements Haut-Rhin and Vosges; a press conference on the event had been held by Emmanuel Gabla, in Mulhouse, on 13 October.
27 and 28 October
Seminar of Réseau francophone des régulateurs des médias in Rabat (Morroco) devoted to gender equality.
30 October
A new deliberation relating to the right to short clips of sporting events is adopted following consultation steered by Christine Kelly; the Conseil's purpose is to ensure a balance between the interest of the public, respect for television channels' editorial freedom, and protecting the value of sporting events broadcasting rights, while also guaranteeing sports funding.
10 and 11 November
Meeting of the Mediterranean Network of Regulatory Authorities in Nouakchott (Mauritania) devoted to regulators' independence.
12 November
A formal notice (mise en demeure) is served on satellite operator Eutelsat to inform the editor of Egyptian channel Al Rafidaïn, which broadcasts to Iraq, of their obligation to comply with articles 1 and 15 of the law of 30 September 1986 relating to respect for human dignity.
19 November
The Conseil serves a formal notice (mise en demeure) on France 2 following the 1 November 2014 show On n'est pas couché, during which collective jokes were made about the erroneous announcement of show host Soizic Corn's death, in violation of articles 1 and 15 of the law of 30 September 1986.
20 November
Start of the new awareness campaign about the protection of young audiences; it is broadcast on television, on-demand audiovisual media services, and, for the first time, on the radio. The slogan is À la radio comme à la télé, les contenus violents, on doit les éviter. Sinon, il faut en parler (On the radio, just like television, violent content must be avoided; if not, it is necessary to talk about it.)
24 November
Execution by Olivier Schrameck and Jacques Toubon, Défenseur des Droits, of a partnership agreement. The purpose is to foster exchange of information and joint action in order to: promote the rights the two institutions are tasked to protect, prevent discrimations, and contribute to the protection of young audiences.
2 December
Olivier Schrameck addresses Forum de Tokyo, which was organised by Association française des éditeurs de logiciels et solutions internet (AFDEL) (French association of software and internet solutions editors) and Renaissance numérique, in Paris, on the topic of digital content and cultural exception.
9 December
A symposium entitled Les écrans et les jeunes : quelle place, quelle offre, quelles évolutions ? (Screens and youth: what are the positions, offers, and developments?) is held at the Sorbonne. It is organised by the CSA at the initiative of Françoise Laborde, Mémona Hintermann-Afféjee, and Francine Mariani-Ducray, and brings together numerous broadcasting professionals, and high school and university students. Ms. Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, Minister for National Education, Higher Education and Research, closes the morning's work.
10 December
Publication of the four-yearly review of France Televisions' performance; four years into the terms of offices of the Chairs of the public broadcasting companies (sociétés nationales de programme), the CSA is required by law to issue a reasoned opinion relating to the companies' performance under their strategic project.
11 December
As part of the preparation for a report to Parliament and Government on developments in radio broadcasting modes and the role of digital terrestrial radio, the Conseil opens a public consultation to supplement the first wave of explorations since the start of digital terrestrial radio.
19 December
Publication by the Conseil of its contributions to the consultation opened by Conseil national du numérique on the societal and economic challenges associated with digital transformations.