Annexes du rapport d'activité 2006
Annexes du rapport d'activité 2006
Les membres du Conseil et leurs domaines d'activité
Les avis
Les résultats de délibérations
Les décisions
Les recommandations
Les communiqués

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The CSA’s Key Figures in 2006

Over the course of its 53 plenary assemblies, CSA issued 6 opinions to the Government and 1 to the Competition Council; it addressed 7 recommendations to broadcasters, 2 of which came in view of electoral consultations, one regarding the renewal of the Regional Assembly of Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon in March 2006, and the other on the French Presidential Elections in May 2007; it launched 6 calls for tender on FM projects, releasing for the occasion 431 new frequencies and renewing or launching the renewal procedure, without using a call for tenders, on authorisations for 135 stations in Mainland France, launched 1 public consultation on digital radio and authorised 336 temporary radio stations; it allotted 32 new analogue TV frequencies and rearranged 185 others for most of the national channels, with a view toward deploying digital terrestrial television (TNT), thus giving rise to the commissioning of 42 broadcast sites; it authorised 6 new local analogue channels, short-listed 5 of them and renewed authorisations for 2 others, issued 10 authorisations for temporary television channels and launched 1 call for tenders for the allocation of 4 local digital channels in the Paris area; it signed 17 new agreements with non-hertzian television and radio services; and issued 113 summons to action, launched 24 disciplinary action proceedings and inflicted 7 penalties following a variety of failings on the part of certain operators; it conducted 32 hearings in plenary assembly and received 40 foreign delegations.

Moreover, in 2006, the Council’s Web site,, received more than 3 million hits, for a daily average of 8 419, up by 33% as compared to 2005. The average number of messages addressed to the Council monthly via the site amounted to 470, as compared to 770 in 2005, a drop due to the site’s Frequently Asked Questions section having been enriched.

