Annexes du rapport d'activité 2006
Annexes du rapport d'activité 2006
Les membres du Conseil et leurs domaines d'activité
Les avis
Les résultats de délibérations
Les décisions
Les recommandations
Les communiqués

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2006 Highlights

  1. January
  2. February
  3. March
  4. April
  5. May
  6. June
  1. July
  2. August
  3. September
  4. October
  5. November
  6. December




Early January
CSA returns to its offices in the Mirabeau Building (Paris, 15th District) which it had been forced to leave for nearly two years, due to asbestos removal work.

4 January
It hands its opinion to the Government on the provisions regarding audiovisual activity in the Bill on Equal Opportunity between the French and French Territories.

17 January
The Council publishes the summary of its public consultation on digital radio, opened on 22 April 2005. It decides, concurrently, to launch a technical study to find out exactly what resources are available on Band III and determine whether it is possible to achieve national coverage on the said Band.Referred to by the association Act Up, CSA requests that channels with authorisation to broadcast pornographic programmes cease to broadcast images of unprotected sexual intercourse.

23 January
The Anti-Terrorism Act instituting provisions on security and border checks is ratified. The Act makes it unnecessary for non-Community channels wishing to be broadcast by a French satellite operator to sign an agreement with CSA. The European channels, meanwhile, are no longer required to declare their presence to the CSA prior to being broadcast or distribute on French soil.

24 January
The President and Members of the CSA present their New Year’s Wishes to the audiovisual sector as a whole.

31 January
The first opencalls for tender on FM radio are launched, in line with the conclusions of the 2006 FM Working. Two calls for tender are launched, one in the Corsica Region and the other in the Languedoc-Roussillon Region. In Corsica, the frequency plan includes an additional 42 frequencies. In Languedoc-Roussillon, the increase comes to 62.






14 February
The local channel Touraine Télévision receives authorisation to broadcast.

15 February
Médiamétrie publishes the first audience figures for digital terrestrial television (TNT). As at 31 December 2005, over 1 300 000 adapters had been sold. Households equipped with a TNT adapter watch TV an average of 20 minutes more than do other households.

28 February
The President of the CSA signs the Kidnapping Alert Agreement with the Ministers of Justice, the Interior, Defence, Transport and Infrastructures, the main media, transport companies and a number of kidnapping victim associations. The system’s objective is to save the lives of kidnapped minors by mobilising the audiovisual media’s communications power within a very short time.







1 March.
The Council reports its opinion to the Government on the draft decree to change the rights and responsibilities statements of public channels France 2, France 3, France 4, France 5, RFO, Radio France and RFI. Its main comments deal with provisions regarding social cohesion and anti-discrimination and requirements applicable to RFO.

7 March
Nineteen new radio stations are allowed to operate in French Polynesia.

14 March
Local channel Orléans TV receives its authorisation to broadcast.

21 March
The Council addresses cable operators a recommendation on “air service” on digital cable networks in order to ensure that free-to-air TNT channels are optimally received by connected households.

28 March
A call for tenders is launched in view of the opening of a local television channel in Caen.






4 April
The Council writes to the Prime Minister to call his attention to a number of technical hindrances to the development of TNT coverage, as well as the legislative changes necessary to ensure the broadest reception possible. It also opens up consultation about the procedures for managing radioelectrical resources and arranging multiplex systems.
The President of the CSA writes to Mayor of Paris to call his attention to the possible use of the Eiffel Tower’s broadcasting site to remedy the reception issues that certain radio stations have reported in Eastern Paris. A call for tenders is launched in view of the opening of a local television channel in Issoudun.

6 April
The Council publishes a summary of the 35 contributions received in response to the public consultation opened on 11 October 2005 regarding the opening of TNT channels in the Paris area.

19 April
CSA issues the usage authorisations for the frequencies identified as part of the third phase of TNT deployment, scheduled for mid-June 2006.

25 April
CSA launches a call for tenders in La Réunion. A draft agreement is ratified for the TV shopping service Shopping Galerie.

27 April
Opening of the Network of Mediterranean Regulation Authorities Web site ( Operating under the CSA’s editorial responsibility, the site is published in English, Arabic and French.






10 May
CSA launches an opencall for tenders for FM radio, under the authority of the Rennes Radiophonic Technical Committee. 79 new frequencies are integrated into the frequency plan. A draft convention is adopted by the Kurdish channel Tishk TV.

15 May
Opening, in Geneva, of the Regional Radiocommunication Conference (CRR-06), the objective of which is to organise, across Europe, the Middle East and Africa, the hertzian landscape once analogue broadcasting is fully switched-off. The work carried out until 16 June by the French delegation, including several CSA representatives, made it possible to satisfy all of the objectives and gave long-term perspective on the deployment of digital networks.

17-19 May
23rd Meeting of the European Platform of European Regulators (Epra), Elseneur (Denmark). It discusses, in particular, the issue of advertising policy.

23 May
Experiments are launched on TNT broadcasting in high-definition: from 28 May to 7 July 2006, TF1, M6, Canal+, Arte and the other channels of France Télévisions alternately broadcast their programmes on two channels, in Paris, Lyon and Marseille. The said experiments are carried out in particular during the French Open and Wimbledon tennis tournaments, as well as for the FIFA World Cup.
CSA hands its opinion to the Competition Council regarding the Vivendi Universal/Canal+ Group’s plan to take full control of TPS and CanalSatellite.

30 May
The Council addresses television channels a recommendation regarding the inclusion of prices in advertising messages for surcharged telephone services or SMS services.






7 June
The Conseil publishes two new recommendations about advertising. One pertains to advertising practices in connection with television broadcasting of animated and fiction works intended for minors, while the other related to advertising messages for SMS services likely to take advantage of the inexperience or credulousness of minors.
In Troyes, the broadcasting authorisation for local channel Canal 32 is renewed, with no call for tenders.

15 June
19 new TNT broadcasting sites are commissioned, bringing their coverage level to 58% of the mainland population.

20 June
Radio stations are shortlisted as part of the open call for tenders launched on 31 January 2006 in Corsica. Following the vote of a censure motion in the Government, by 11 UDF Parliamentarians, CSA, which had initially chosen to deduct the latters’ speaking time from that of the Parliamentary opposition party, decides to count, henceforth, UDF party members’ speaking time distinctly, without considering it as part of the majority or the opposition.

27 June
The Council launches a new experimental project selection process for high-definition TNT broadcasting, from 1 September 2006 to 7 January 2007. Radio stations are shortlisted as part of the open call for tenders launched on 31 January 2006 in Languedoc-Roussillon. Approval is given for new experimental projects with mobile television in Paris, between 1 July and 31 March 2007, following on from the experiments carried out in late-2005 and early-2006. They are conducted by TDF and Towercast.






4 July
The Collegial Body presents its 2005 Activity Report to the Audiovisual Professionals.
CSA launches an open call for tenders for FM radios, under the authority of CTR de Bordeaux. It shortlists television channel TV Rennes in Rennes.
It sends out a recommendation setting out the framework for television services other than cinema or pay-per-view, cinematographic or audiovisual works, video recordings thereof, video games and telephone or telematic services and Web sites on which usage by minors is restricted.

5-7 July
8th Meeting of the Network of Mediterranean Regulation Bodies
in Barcelona (Spain).

11 July
Referred to on 21 June and 3 July by the Minister of Culture and Communications regarding the Bill on the Modernisation of Audiovisual Broadcasting and the Television of the Future, the Council provides its opinion to the Government. CSA shortlists local channels Canal 15, TV Vendée and TV Sud Vendée in seven of the eight zones covered by the call for tenders launched on 22 November 2005 in Vendée. It adopts a draft agreement for the channel Star Academy Season 6.

18 July
The Council examines the First Review on the Activities of Private Free TNT Channels for year 2005 (channels TF1 and M6 will be dealt with in a separate report). It launches a consensus-seeking process with all of the political parties regarding the possible revision of multi-partisanship appraisal procedures as applied to channels. A document on the topic is sent to them in order to gather their comments. CSA shortlists, in the Saint-Gilles-Croix-de-Vie zone, the eighth in the call for tenders launched in late-November 2005 in Vendée (see above), the channel TV Vendée, requesting that it conclude an editorial cooperation contract with Télé 102. The channel Télé Kréol receives approval to broadcast in La Réunion. In Lyon, local channel TLM is issued a new broadcast authorisation. A draft agreement is adopted for the Portuguese channel CLP TV.

25 July
The Council launches the first call for tenders on TNT in favour of local or regional channels. It covers the Paris area and provides that four channels will be broadcast. Draft agreements are adopted for channels Onzéo, Du côté de chez vous and France 24, an international news channel that will be offered in three versions: French, French and English, French and English and Arabic.







31 August
The Council examines the 2005 Review on Pay TNT Channels (excluding Canal+ which will be dealt with in a separate review).






12 September
With a view toward improving France Inter reception in Eastern Paris, the Council approves the continuation of experimental broadcasting of the channel on the frequency 87.6 MHz, the first stage of the experiment, carried out during the Summer, was deemed encouraging.
Following the call for tenders launched on 27 June 2006, the Council allows BFM TV, Canal+, Direct 8, M6, NRJ 12, Arte and France Télévisions’ channels to broadcast their programmes in high-definition TNT in Paris, Lyon and Marseille, from 18 September 2006 to 22 January 2007.

16 September
The new television campaign to raise awareness about signage for young people, produced by CSA, is launched. The clip is the same as that used for the previous campaign, with adjustments to emphasise the shared responsibility that adults have. The same day, the CSA’s Web site comes out with a mini-site on the protection of minors, intended for the general public.

18 September
The Minister of Health organises, in close conjunction with CSA, an information meeting for the audiovisual media on the risks arising from the avian flu pandemic and their specific responsibility in this field.

19 September
A draft agreement is adopted for television channel Jet.

26 September
The Council examines the 2005 review of the television channels operated by France Télévisions, TF1 and M6. The local Corsican channel Télépaese receives its authorisation to broadcast.
A draft agreement is adopted for the channel Alegria.






3 October
The Council opens a public consultation in view of the possible launch of calls for tender on the broadcasting of local and national radio services in digital form. A draft agreement is adopted for the channel Armor TV. CSA shortlists television channels Citizen TV in Caen and Bip TV in Issoudun.

4-6 October
24th Meeting of EPRA, the platform set up by the European regulation authorities, in Dubrovnik (Croatia).

10 October
Radio stations are shortlisted as part of the call for tenders launched on 10 May 2006, under the authority of CTR de Rennes.

16 October
Start of the fourth phase of TNT deployment with the opening of 22 new broadcasters, bringing TNT coverage in mainland France to 65%.

17 October
The first review drawn up by CSA on the representation of diversity in culture and origin on television and the radio, dealing with Year 2005, is adopted. Dominique Baudis hands in the review to the President of the French Republic on 10 November. A draft agreement is adopted for the television channel Terre d’infos TV.

24 October
Following through on its decision issued on 17 January 2006, the Conseil writes to channels allowed to broadcast pornographic programmes to request that they no longer broadcast, starting on 1 January 2007, programmes with images of unprotected sexual intercourse.

24 October and 5 December
The Council examines the 2005 review of pay TV and movie channels.






7 November
The Council publishes a recommendation to the audiovisual media in view of the 2007 Presidential Elections, along with an enforcement guide. The recommendation comes into effect as of 1 December 2006. The Council decides, pursuant to the 26 June 2006 Order adjusting the national frequency allocation chart, to no longer launch, in mainland France, calls for tender on local television channels broadcast in analogue mode. An open call for tenders for FM radios is launched in the Ile-de-France and Oise Regions. The frequency plan includes 74 new frequencies.
CSA allows the Forum on Online Rights, in response to its request, to use the youth signage system set out in the recommendation it wishes to address to mobile telephone operators.

14 November
Local television channel TV Rennes receives its authorisation to broadcast.

21 November
An open call for tenders on FM radio is launched, under the authority of the Clermont-Ferrand CTR. The frequency plan includes 74 new frequencies. The authorisations for the radio stations short-listed following the call for tenders launched on 31 January 2006 are issued, some eight months after the application filing deadline, as provided for by the 9 July 2004 Act. CSA appoints Mr Bernard Latarjet and Mr Alain Trampoglieri to the Radio France Board of Directors.
It renews membership on the RFI Board of Directors Ms Anne Coutard, Mr Francis Balle, Mr Pascal Chaigneau and Mr Mabousso Thiam, as well as Ms Michèle Cotta, Mr Jacques Rigaud and Mr Gérard Unger on the Board of Directors of the National Audiovisual Institute.

28 November
As part of the TNT call for tenders in the Paris area, launched on 25 July 2006, 29 applicants are declared eligible.






12 December
Local television channels 7L Montpellier and Bip TV (Issoudun) receive approval to broadcast. A draft agreement is adopted by the home shopping channel Lohys! TV.

19 December
Radio stations are short-listed as part of the call for tenders launched on 4 July 2006, under the authority of the Bordeaux CTR.
The Council publishes, on its Web site, a number of documents regarding the definition of audiovisual works, resulting from the consensus-seeking process carried out in 2005 and 2006 with players in the sector: a review of the current definition’s fifteen-year lifespan, a summary and an analysis of the hearings held as part of the consensus-seeking process.
A draft agreement is adopted for television channel OiTV, a news channel for inhabitants of La Réunion.

20 December
A public consultation process is opened regarding high-definition terrestrial digital television, as a pre-requisite to the launch of a call for tenders, once the law on the modernisation of audiovisual broadcasting and the television of the future is ratified.

